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The Institute
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The Departments
Information Technology
Computer Science & Technology
Medical Lab Technology
Fashion Technology
Science & Humanities

Other Activities
NSS Cell
Training & Placement Cell



Women's Polytechnic was established as the first Institute of its kind for promoting technical education to the women of Tripura. Women's Polytechnic sojourned its journey with the pioneering branch of Information Technology (IT) in September 2003 in the premises of Polytechnic Institute (now Tripura Institute of Technology), Narsingarh, Agartala, Tripura(West). From July 2004, Women's Polytechnic has incorporated two more new branches, namely, Medical Lab Technology (MLT) and Fashion Technology (FT). In September 2006, Women's Polytechnic was shifted to its new campus at Hapania, Agartala. The Institute in its new campus has been formally inaugurated by the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tripura, Shri Manik Sarkar, on the 29th of January, 2007.

The three courses offered by Women's Polytechnic were approaved by AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) and the Institute was affiliated to WBSCTE (West Bengal State Council of Technical Education), Kolkata. The intake capacity in all the three branches as approaved by AICTE was thirty students each and the total intake capacity was ninety students per year.

From the academic session of 2007 onwards Women's Polytechnic got its affiliation from the Tripura University (A Central University) and approaved by AICTE. A new course has also been introduced in the same academic year of its affiliation to Tripura University. And so Computer Science & Technology (CST) has been incorporated along with the other three branches. After its affiliation to Tripura University, the intake capacity in each branch stands as: thirty each in Computer Science & Technology and Information Technology; and twenty each in Medical Lab Technology and Fashion Technology. The total intake capacity now is one hundred students per year.

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